It All Started Small

We fail to recognize that we are blessed because, first and foremost, we do not recognize all the blessings we had received. Most of the time, only great things are recognized and given special acknowledgment. But if we are to look back from where these great things started, we will realize it all started small.

We are often discouraged with the little things we have in life: limited skills and talent to pursue chasing our dreams, insufficient courage to take risks in creating the life we want to live, scarce number of acquaintances to begin a business enterprise, little amount of money to buy a house and lot in order to begin a home and hardly any hope to reach our goals. We fail to realize that nothing in life comes easy. If everything will come easy, will we realize its’ worth? Will we truly taste the ecstasy, pride, sweetness, gratitude and blessing in every milestone we achieve?

What are the small things you have right now? Maybe, you have less than a hundred peso bill, little confidence to apply for a job, few and far between courage to confess your feelings to someone whom you dearly love, only one true friend whom you could count on, thin on the ground competency to turn your dreams into a reality, a small amount of money to build or buy your dream house and etcetera. Now, see if the following, often, unrecognized blessings are far greater than the little things you have: life evidently felt by just merely touching your pulse, good health that gives you strength to keep on living, family and friends whom you could cling on and, above all, a God who is only a prayer away.

You will never know how far small things may take you if you are to use them in a good way. Who knows, the small things you have can bring you larger scale of achievements. If you will not take the courage in taking risks, you will never learn and discover gateways to more possibilities and opportunities. That beyond the horizon lies a wonderful world often not seen unless you dare set off your feet from the shore.

Small things are important more than what we know them to be. Just as a puzzle piece completes a picture, every drop of water constitutes the vast ocean; every grain of sand constitutes a dessert and a centavo to make a peso. Indeed, great things start small. And little by little, small things grow just like a seed planted on the ground that later on might grow into a huge tree which supports the existence of every creature. 


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