A Spark of Faith

The bright and warm rays of the sun was the first beautiful thing I've seen when I opened our window this morning. Rain poured throughout the day before and seeing the sun shining brightly today feels invigorating. I feasted on God's Word first and asked God through prayer for strength in doing today's house chores. 

My husband and I both have a basketful of laundry. I loaded our washing machine with water, poured enough detergent, sorted the clothes according to their colors, and started putting into the washing machine the first batch of laundry . I was about to hang the second batch of clothes into the clothesline when my husband suggested that I must stop doing the laundry because the weather seems to get relatively humid. He started transferring the clothes hanging on the clothesline into a shady area, but I took them again and returned them on the clothesline. I have this confidence in God that rain will not come. Yes, it started to drizzle, but there is this unexplainable confidence that rain won't surely come. And it didn't!  

I was able to wash all our laundry and, as I sat on our chair for a snack, realized that I have just actually demonstrated faith! I then recalled what I read from R.C. Sproul Jr.'s "The Call to Wonder" on having a childlike faith. Have you tried having a moment when you have translated into action what you have learned? You can't help yourself from the overwhelming joy, right? 

Faith can be demonstrated even in the midst of our mundane chores at home. Little by little, by the power of God at work in me, I'd be able to understand and have that so-called faith as small as a mustard seed. And so ends today's spark of faith. Oh, how I look forward to seeing God turn it into a flare! 


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