Mama's Bedside Prayers

I remembered my Mama Shirl while reading 1 Chronicles 22: 7–13 today. I felt quite emotional as I reflected on how this moment between David and Solomon might have happened. I imagine them sitting in their favorite spot together as David talks to Solomon about God's charge on the building of the temple. Verses 11 to 13 got me teary-eyed. This also led me into remembering the countless moments Mama Shirl brought me on the side of her bed to pray for me.

If I will be asked to give an example of someone I personally know whose life is marked with prayer, I will not think twice in answering, "Mama Shirl". I've witnessed (and even eavesdropped) the daily conversion mama has with God in prayer. When I was young, I found it so delightful (as in 𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑔 to max) when I hear mama mentioning my name on her prayers. I know exactly what she wants for me. It is through hearing her prayers that I get to hear how much she loves me, adores me like her own, stubborn I am at times, and fragile I could be. I never failed to hear her pray for her children, my cousins, her siblings and their families, our pastors, church workers, missionaries, church ministries, WOMISSO, laymen, deacons, young adults, young people, her students, her colleagues, and everyone she knows in church or at school. And guess what, you cannot be truly called my dearest friend if my mama does not include you in her prayers. Yes, mama prays for my friends whose names I often mention when we're catching up at home. You could call her Mama Shirl all you want, but you are truly my 'kindred spirit' if you are in mama's prayers. I myself have witnessed how the lives of those people whom she prayed for have changed. And whenever I look at those people, I remember that my mama is one of the people who prayed for him/her. So, if we're friends or my mama knows you, do not doubt it when I say, "Someone is praying for you." 

As I grew older, I am no longer a mere 'eavesdropper' for she started calling me by her side so she could pray for me. From the first day I took my entrance exam at Bukidnon State University up to the day before my wedding, I was at her side praying for me. I will never forget those warm touches of her hand and those heartwarming moments of hearing her prayers. Each time I feel so lost in the wilderness, I know that someone has her knees bent in prayer for me to be brought back by the Shepherd into the sheepfold. 

New Year's eve is fast approaching. By then, it will be my third year of missing our evening worship on mama's bedside. I will miss again the exchange of testimonies, singing of hymns, hopes for the new year, and prayer time. But it also excites me to emulate it with our children someday. Oh, how I desire for my future kids to be on mama's bedside someday and get to experience that overwhelming joy I felt as her one and only Kimberly. 

Today, I thank God for my Mama Shirl. Above all, I thank God for His Word! 


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